Interest in science, law or political economy. Fortunate with strangers, foreigners, voyages and wife’s relations. Long journeys, learning, wisdom and prudence. Venus is a yogakarka planet for this ascendant and when posited in Lagna, confers fortunate inheritance, gain through land, property and parents. You will like collecting things,with two wives and. You will meet death in Satbhisha nakshatra or Dwitiya Tithi. You will have a fair complexion, beautiful eyes and will be rich and happy. Unlucky days are Friday, Wednesday and Sunday. You will have stomach problems, lumps in stomach, cough and cold. Kumbha Rasi according to Vedic Astrology.

Represented by a man holding a pitcher on his shoulder, the Aquarius is a true humanitarian. Those born under the Zodiac Sign Aquarius (Kumbha), the eleventh Sign in the Zodiac calendar, dream to improve the world around them and make it a better place, by the way of collaborative efforts. Their friends influence them more than their relatives. They have to face problems on the domestic front. The people of this house will have unexpected travels. Among the 12 signs of the zodiac this sign is attached to occult subjects. Very great saints and thinkers have been born in this house.